dr-fee Product Feature Snapshot 2: Run fee analysis without API connection
Below we will give you a very brief introduction of our second product feature. You will learn 1) how it works, 2) what is the result of enabling this feature, and 3) why we chose this approach:
How does it work?
You manually enter the info to analyse your tier levels and trading fees at other exchanges. You can specify SPOT, coin-m Futures, and usd-m Futures volumes. Moreover, we require your % of trades as maker, the balance, and holding (native exchange token)
You can still enjoy the full benefit of our fee simulation w/o connecting to the API. Based on the info you provided, we automatically match you to the tier levels and calculate the fees you would pay at all other major exchanges
Some traders may not want to connect their exchange account even though it is a read-only access or do not have an exchange account yet. By manually inputting the info, we also allow new traders to plan ahead or enable experienced traders for scenario plannings
You can access our fully automated fee analysis at: dr-fee.com.
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